
The leading technology solutions provider for non-profit organizations, Blackbaud provides software, services, expertise, and data intelligence that empowers and connects people to advance the social good movement. Since 2011, Elexicon has partnered with Blackbaud’s IT and marketing teams to plan, build and manage their robust corporate family of websites through content strategy, technical planning and enterprise-class web development.

As a result of our long and successful partnership, Blackbaud asked Elexicon to re-build their robust corporate website and content management process on a more dynamic, flexible and efficient platform. Elexicon built using the latest WordPress advancements that support design systems and block-based component development to bring every page alive with clear and beautifully-communicated content.

Website ecosystem

Blackbaud’s comprehensive marketing and digital engagement approach encompasses thought leadership, industry intelligence, and research. Elexicon has also built and helps manage these valuable customer-centric websites, as well.

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